Requirements :
- Web Server (Apache, ISS etc)
- PHP 4.1.1 ond higher
- MySQL Database 4.0.xx and higher
This is the second step in the installation process. Here you will have to setup the connection to the MySQL server. If you do not know the informations that the installation program requires please contact your system administrator.
The Database Server is the address for your MySQL server. In most cases the MySQL server is located on the same server as the survey software, in wich case you should leave localhost in that field.
The Database User and Database Password will be used to access the MySQL server. If you do not know them please contact your administrator. Althrough MySQL allows you to have a blank password this is not recommanded and you should always set a password for a MySQL user.
The Database Name is the name of the database in wich the survey software will keep its records. If you did not create that database the installation script will try to create it, however if the supplied MySQL user does not have "CREATE" rights it will not be able to create it. In that case you will need to create it it your self.
The Database Tables Prefix is the prefix that will be appended to all the tables from the database. If you want to install more than one survey software in the same database you can do so by using different prefixes.
{elseif $params.step == 3}
Requirements :
- Web Server (Apache, ISS etc)
- PHP 4.1.1 ond higher
- MySQL Database 4.0.xx and higher
This is the third step of the installation process. Here you will create a user with admin rights.
The Admin User will be the username with wich you will be able to login in the admin section of the site.
The Admin Password should be a secure password, that only you know. For greater security it is recommanded that you use letters as well as digits in your password. Remember this password as there is no way to recover it if you forget it.
Requirements :
- Web Server (Apache, ISS etc)
- PHP 4.1.1 ond higher
- MySQL Database 4.0.xx and higher
The installation has completed succesfully !
It is recomanded that you delete the file [install.php] after the installation is done.
You can go to the admin by clicking on this link : admin section